Monday, June 10, 2019

Idea Napkin No. 1

1) You. 
My name is Lauren. I am a second-year student majoring in journalism, and if I have a talent, then it is definitely writing. I haven't had any experience professionally writing, but I am hoping to at some point in the near future. My aspiration would be to be successful in a business or some endeavor that I embark on. The business concept I came up with has the opportunity to be successful, so if I were to start expanding on the faux leather and fur industry and really improve it, I think it would be very successful. 

2) What are you offering to customers? 
The product I am offering to customers is a leather alternative made from some sustainable resource such as fruit enzymes/skin or mushrooms. The alternative will be just as good as leather in regards to quality and appearance, but it will be very sustainable and accessible. I would be selling this to companies who want to make the switch to sustainable leather but want the best quality. 

3) Who are you offering it to? 

The demographics of faux leather would be probably younger people who have a desire to help the environment or have concerns regarding animal cruelty. These people also might not be very invested in their leather products or material items in general but appreciate the quality of leather. 

4) Why do they care? 

Companies will pay for this product because companies are always looking to create the image that they care about something like the environment. There is a trend right now to raise environmental consciousness and companies who acknowledge this will draw in a bigger audience. Customers will support brands who are doing something for change rather than companies who aren't. 
5) What are your core competencies?                                                                                           There are some companies who sell really good quality faux leather but it is very inaccessible and not offered at stores that majority of the population shops at. The goal of my business is accessibility in both the physical product and price. I would sell to companies like Nike who would buy the faux leather and then implement it into their designs so it's accessible. 
  • All of these elements fit together in making a good business. It is important to keep in mind the core beliefs of your business and integrate it with your customer demographic in order to make sure that someone will buy the product you're trying to sell. I would say there are parts of my concept that are weak since it is up to the companies to buy my product and it is extremely difficult to have a company switch their products from real leather to faux especially because of their inventory and price. 



  1. Hi Lauren great post I love your alternative idea for leather. This is a great business plan overall but making a change like this in the fashion industry is a big one to tackle. You hit all your elements sufficiently and explained everything perfectly on how you would like them. Hopefully the fashion industry can take a look on this approach it would definitely help our world for the future.

  2. Hey Lauren,
    Writing skills are beneficial in almost any field so it is really good that it is one of your skills already. I really like your idea and think many companies would appreciate it because of its environmental impact. It is probably an idea that would have to start at a smaller sized businesses and progress toward larger businesses like Nike, but it has the potential to be very successful. Great job!
