Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Identifying Local Opportunities

I chose the Sun Sentinel newspaper
1) BSO alleges man shot girlfriend, pointed gun at deputies
2) Buzz kill - Bar owners: Lively vibe in downtown Delray under threat
3) 14% of Floridians are living without health insurance
4) Woman hit by car while crossing the street
5) Despite health risks, many use septic tanks - People still refuse to make switch to sewer when it's available


  1. Lauren,

    Health insurance is such a need due to how expensive hospital costs are. I mean one trip to the hospital and now you owe the hospital thousands. It’s ridiculous how expensive it has gotten. To top it off, health insurance has gone through the roof. Basic coverage is way too expensive that most people cannot afford it. I think health insurance prices should be lowered tremendously or your job should have to be forced to pay for half of your health insurance. If that was the case, more people could be able to afford health insurance.

  2. Hey Lauren,
    The article about there being 14 percent of Floridians living without health insurance is really interesting and alarming. The cost of living has become so high that many people can't afford health insurance anymore, which is a problem that needs to be fixed. Also, the article about septic tanks supports the fact that many people are struggling with the cost of living, and are settling for cheaper, more harmful options. Great job!

  3. Hey Lauren,
    I enjoyed reading your local opportunities post. I have a couple questions about your first two posts. Specifically, I’m not sure how complex problems like the lack of health care and gun violence could be fixed from an entrepreneurship perspective. I’d be very interested to see how you can present creative and practical solutions to these issues if you choose them later in the course.
